This film follows Susan Bradley (Judy Garland) on her journey to Sandrock, Arizona. As a result of answering a matrimonial ad, she is on her way to be married to H.H. Hartsy. While traveling on the Acheson, Topeka, and the Santa Fe, she befriends The Harvey Girls; a group of waitresses helping Fred Harvey spread his restaurant chain called The Harvey House throughout the west. When Susan arrives in Sandrock, she and her husband-to-be both find that the marriage is not what they want and call things off. She is also informed that the love letters that brought her 2,000 miles from Ohio were not written by Mr.Hartsy but by a man named Ned Trent (John Hodiak).He tries to pay her back for her trouble, but Susan will not be pitied. Infuriated, she give Mr. Trent a piece of her mind and then proceeds to become a Harvey Girl herself!
The town of Sandrock soon becomes enchanted with the beautiful, kindhearted waitresses, but not by all. The Sheriff, Ned Trent (owner of the Alhambra Saloon), and the tough saloon gals try to sabotage every good effort put forth by The Harvey Girls.However, gunshots, rattlesnakes, and bar fights can't break the bond, bravery, and strength of these pretty pioneers.
You will love:
* The wonderful songs like The Acheson, Topeka and the Santa Fe, Its a Great Big World, and the romantic Wait and See.
*Gorgeous 18th century costumes by Helen Rose.
*The fun and comedic talents of Virginia O' Brien (Du Barry was a Lady), Marjorie Main (Ma Kettle), Ray Bolger(Scarecrow of the Wizard of Oz), and Chill Wills (Best Foot Forward)...and Cyd Charisse. You will also see how good Angela Lansbury is at her bad-girl persona!
This one of my favorites!
1) I LOVE JUDY...'nuff said.
2) Its a beautiful tribute to some of the most unsung pioneers to assist in Western civilization.
3) My maternal grandmother's family name is Harvey. So, before my grandmother and great- aunts were married, they too were Harvey Girls... in a different sense.
Neah B
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